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Pursuant to Article 49 of Legislative Decree No. 206 of September 6, 2005 - Consumer Code.
The pre-contractual information below is an integral part of the "online sales contract" of products that the Supplier undertakes to conclude within the framework of a distance selling system organized by the same through its website (; it cannot be modified unless further express agreement with the Customer.

1) Identification of the Supplier
Via Cal Trevigiana, 51
31040 Venegazzù di Volpago del Montello (TV)
VAT NUMBER: 01685960260
EMAIL address:
(hereinafter referred to as the "Supplier").

2) Main characteristics of the products
The products are indicated, including their essential characteristics, directly on the Supplier's website on the page:
For each product viewed, the Customer will be able to access a special sheet containing the main information and data relating to the product itself (including, for example: type of grape variety, appellation, area of origin of the grapes, gradation) as well as any minimum quantities that may be purchased by the Customer.

3) Condition for sale
Since these are products for which the sale is permitted by law only to purchasers over 18 years of age (21 years in the United States), it is specified that the purchase procedure will be perfected only towards Customers who have this age requirement.

3.1) Minimum and maximum order.
The minimum order is marked in the cart at check-out, while the maximum corresponds to 48 bottles.

3.2) Shipping
Shipments can be made to the following countries:
United States

4) Total price of products
All sales prices of the products contained in the Supplier's online catalog, are expressed in euros and include VAT and any other taxes.
The cost of shipping and any incidental charges, if any, are not included in the purchase price, but are shown and calculated separately. By filling out the purchase order, and in any case before the purchase procedure is completed, the Customer will have the opportunity to verify these costs and charges.

4.1) Shipping cost

5) Methods of payment
Payment of the price may be made only by credit card.
The Supplier guarantees that all communications related to payments take place on a special line protected by encryption system; it also guarantees the storage of information related to the payment with additional level of security encryption and in compliance with the provisions of the current regulations on the protection of personal data.
Since the conclusion of the purchase procedure implies the onset of the obligation, on the part of the Customer, to pay the price of the chosen products, it is clarified that the sending of the order - which, as indicated in point 10) below, means the conclusion of the contract with the Supplier - follows the obligation to pay. In any case, the Supplier assumes no responsibility for any fraudulent and illicit use that may be made by third parties (for example, of credit cards) when paying for the products purchased, if it proves that it has taken all possible precautions based on the best science and experience at the time and in accordance with ordinary diligence.

6) Mode and timing of delivery
The delivery of the products will take place, from the date of completion of the purchase, in 24/48 hours for Italy, and from 3 to 5 working days for Europe (shipments made near special times such as Christmas may take longer), from 10 to 20 days in the rest of the world. However, the above delivery times must be considered indicative, as they may also be longer due to the actual place of destination of the products (e.g. deliveries to Islands).

Shipping Italy: delivery is guaranteed by Christmas for orders placed by 15 December.
Shipments abroad: delivery is guaranteed by Christmas for orders placed by 18 December.

The Customer will be able to verify the delivery status of the products by receiving a special email reporting all the data flow regarding the shipment.
Deliveries are made from Monday to Friday -but never on holidays- during normal office hours; for this reason it is suggested to the Customer to indicate an address where the delivery of products can still be guaranteed.
It should be noted, finally, that upon delivery, the Customer is required to ascertain the state of the packaging containing the Products purchased and to report to the Supplier's representative, also giving appropriate evidence in the relevant delivery documents (including through the acceptance with reservation of the Products), any damage that was detectable through a simple visual inspection of the packaging itself.

7) Right of withdrawal
The Customer shall have the right to withdraw from the purchase commitments, without penalty and without the obligation to specify the reason, within the term of 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which it acquires physical possession of the products purchased online.
In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the Customer is required to inform the Supplier of his decision to withdraw from this contract by means of an explicit statement, using the "Withdrawal Form" included at the end of these contractual conditions.
The Customer may complete and send the withdrawal form or any other explicit statement by sending it to the email address
In any case, without delay, the Supplier will confirm receipt of the Customer's withdrawal notice by sending the Customer an appropriate email.
In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient for the Customer to send the communication regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiration of the withdrawal period highlighted above.

8) Effects of withdrawal (method of refund and return of products)
If the Customer withdraws from this contract, the Customer will be refunded the purchase price of the returned products without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which the Supplier is informed of the Customer's decision to withdraw from the contract.
Said disbursement shall be made using the same means of payment used by the Customer for the initial transaction, unless the Customer has expressly agreed otherwise with the Supplier in any case, the Customer shall not incur any costs as a consequence of said refund.
The refund may be suspended until receipt of the products to be returned. In any case, in order to be entitled to a refund of the price paid, the products must be returned intact and in their original packaging, therefore, the Customer must not have opened the packaging of the product purchased online; in the latter circumstance, the right of withdrawal must be understood to be excluded, as provided in this regard by art.59, lett. e) of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 - Consumer Code, with the impossibility therefore for the Customer to withdraw from the contractual commitments concerning the purchase online or to request the return of the amount paid for the purchase itself.
The Customer is obliged to return the products to the Supplier (MONTELVINI S.R.L. Via Cal Trevigiana, 51 31040 Venegazzù di Volpago del Montello (TV), EMAIL: without undue delay and in any case within 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which he communicated his withdrawal from this contract. The deadline is met if the products are returned before the expiration of the 14 (fourteen) day period. The return of the products must be made by postal service or courier. The direct costs of returning the products will be borne only by the Customer.

9) Warranty.
The Supplier guarantees the conformity of the products to current industry standards. The products must be stored by the Customer in accordance with the instructions provided by the Supplier and in any case in environments whose hygienic-environmental conditions are appropriate with respect to the products themselves; consequently, the Supplier will not be liable for disputes concerning products that have not been stored by the Customer in accordance with the above provisions.
Any non-conformity of the products may be reported by the Customer in accordance with the regulations in force for the protection of the consumer, and in particular in accordance with Legislative Decree September 6, 2005, n.206 (so-called Consumer Code). The complaint of non-conformity of the products must be made to the Supplier according to what is specified in point 13) below. In case of non-conformity, it is the Supplier's responsibility to provide free replacement of the non-conforming product within a reasonable period of time.

10) Conclusion of the contract and mode of filing
The contract for the online purchase of products between the Supplier and the Customer will be concluded through the Internet, by means of the Customer's access to the Supplier's website and following the purchase procedures indicated therein.
The contract is concluded through the exact completion and consent to the purchase manifested through the adhesion sent online. Before concluding the purchase, the Customer will have the opportunity to verify the contents of the purchase order and, if necessary, to correct and/or modify the data entered; it will therefore be his precise obligation to verify the correctness of the data in question.
At the time the Supplier receives the order from the Customer, it will provide without delay to send an e-mail, printable, in which the details of the ordering party and the order, the price of the purchased product, the shipping costs and any additional charges, the address where the product will be delivered, the timing of the delivery and the existence of the right of withdrawal are stated. The Customer agrees to provide for the printing and storage of the purchase order.
Pursuant to art. 12 of Legislative Decree n.70/2003, the Supplier informs the Customer that every order sent is stored in digital form on the server at the manager hosting the site and in paper or digital form at the Supplier itself, in any case according to criteria of confidentiality and security.
However, the registered Customer has the possibility to consult the submitted order at any time by accessing the appropriate area of the Supplier's website, entering their Login and Password (as issued at the time of the preliminary registration of their personal data).

11) Availability of Products.
The Supplier ensures, through the telematics system used, the processing and fulfillment of orders. For this purpose, it indicates in real time, in its electronic catalog, the available and unavailable products.
If an order exceeds the existing quantity in the warehouse, the Supplier, by e-mail, will let the Customer know if the product is no longer bookable or what the waiting time is to obtain the chosen product, asking whether or not he intends to confirm the order.

12) Applicable Law
These conditions of sale are governed by Italian law.

13) Communications and complaints
Written communications directed to the Supplier and any complaints will be considered valid only where they are sent by e-mail to the e-mail address